
Not all of the Montney is created equal.

Our Montney Asset

Pacific Canbriam Energy’s position in the Montney encompasses a large resource base, which can be accessed using a small surface footprint. The Montney is over 1,100 feet thick in the Altares and Kobes regions, which allows Pacific Canbriam to efficiently extract liquids-rich natural gas from multiple horizons using horizontal wells that reach five and a half kilometers in lateral length. Our current development focuses on five stratigraphic Montney intervals which we believe are the most commercial (three Upper Montney and two Lower Montney intervals).

Our Subsurface Approach

At Pacific Canbriam, our technical approach to reservoir characterization is a sustainable advantage. Our experienced team of geologists, geophysicists and engineers work together in an integrated manner to fully understand all aspects of our resource base. These disciplines work in real time with our operations teams to optimize drilling and completions work, which has translated into consistently strong well performance.

Our approach to subsurface reservoir characterization was the key reason Pacific Canbriam chose the Altares and Kobes regions of the Montney fairway. Both Altares and Kobes possess a combination of geological attributes, such as thickness, over-pressure, and liquids content that make them prolific areas for natural gas development.

Our Infrastructure

Pacific Canbriam’s operational strategy is characterized by our ownership and control of all field infrastructure: processing facilities, midstream gathering assets, water handling assets, and camps. We also control the roads within our main development area. This approach is a major commitment to enhance operational safety and sustainability.

Altares Processing Facility

Our current total processing capacity is 330 million cubic feet per day, which represents approximately 58,000 barrels of oil equivalent when factoring in the liquids component of our production stream.

In 2012, Pacific Canbriam commissioned its first natural gas processing plant at b-24-H, which handled 50 million cubic feet per day of natural gas and associated liquids. 

In 2015, the company added the first two phases of the Altares Processing Facility, located at b-72-A, adding an additional 160 million cubic feet per day of processing capacity. In 2022, the third phase was put into service, adding 120 million cubic feet per day.

Construction of the fourth and final phase of the Altares Processing Facility is ongoing and will be completed by the Fall of 2024. Phase 4 will bring the total capacity of Altares to 450 million cubic feet per day.